Mark has been a member of Calvary since 2020 and currently serves as a teacher and small group leader in the Iron Man men’s ministry, a Sunday School teacher, and on the greeting and security teams.
Mark came to Christ as a child shortly after his parents came to Christ after leaving the military and moving back to their home town in Connecticut. God has awakened and cultivated in him a love for His word through the faithful ministry of both a local church and the ministry of the Navigators, which is why he has lived in NJ since high school. Mark has received a B.A. in Mathematics with an emphasis in Computer Science from Rutgers College, is a certified Project Manager (PMP) with several industry certifications, and currently works as a Senior Technical Project Management Consultant.
Mark and his wife Betty have six children and five grandchildren and live in Belle Mead, NJ. Mark enjoys spending time with Betty and the family, good sports (including football and disc golf), classic rock and classical music, and loves to interact around the topics of leadership, history, and philosophy with friends and family to experience fullness of life in Christ.
Colossians 1:28-29 describe Mark’s life purpose, revolving all things around God’s purpose of presenting ‘every man complete in Christ’, and has a passion for teaching and equipping leaders in their homes, churches, and vocation to that end. Mark’s prayer is that God would captivate people with the beauty, power, and sufficiency of His word for all of life, and that he would be an example of a man fully captivated by Christ. To that end he has authored God and His Word: A Devotional Commentary in Psalm 119. You can read more about Mark from his blog, In His Grip.