Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools in the series Special Sermon: (Page 11)

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Eight Characteristics of Authentic Christlike Disciples (Part # 3)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij outlines the fourth characteristic of authentic Christ-like discipleship: a disciple’s uncanny awareness to watch over his heart. Examining the Parable of the Sower, Pastor Babij teaches believers that they must guard their hearts by bending their ear to biblical wisdom and instruction. Pastor Babij also explains that a disciple guards…

Eight Characteristics of Authentic Christlike Disciples (Part #2)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching on the characteristics of authentic Christ-like discipleship. The second characteristic is uncompromising faith; such faith is not a “hope so” faith but one that truly believes God will perform what He has promised. Pastor Babij also explains the third characteristic: an uncommon desire to pray to God. Christians…

Eight Characteristics of Authentic Christlike Disciples, Part 1

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the first of eight characteristics that demonstrate authentic discipleship. Pastor Babij explains that the battle for sanctification happens in the mind, therefore the mind must be continually transformed by the Word of God. Pastor Babij admonishes believers to surrender themselves unconditionally to the Lord Jesus Christ so they…

Women of the Spirit

In this Mother’s Day sermon, Pastor Babij teaches how the Christian woman or mother displays three evidences of the Spirit in her life: Her life exudes joyfulness She lives out a thankful heart in all situations She focuses on others’ needs before her own Pastor Babij exhorts all believers to live and exhibit these attributes…

The Way of Salvation: Look and Live!

In today’s Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Babij compares the bronze serpent of Numbers 21 to Jesus Christ, explaining that, just as the Israelites had to look to the serpent to be saved, so now all men must look to Jesus. Sinners have no power to save themselves; salvation simply comes from personal belief in the…

The Scriptures: A Rich and Precious Jewel

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches from Psalm 119:97-104 the four results that come from seeking God’s wisdom. Pastor Babij explains that there are two foundations for these four results: We must love and desire the Word of God to learn obedience We must meditate upon God’s Word to achieve a transformed character Pastor Babij…

True Religion!?

In this sermon, Pastor Babij answers the question, “What is True Religion?” He explains that true religion is gained when we rightly (biblically) understand who God is, who man is, and what God has done to solve man’s dilemma. Pastor Babij teaches that true religion is turning away from our own works and supposed goodness…

Kiss the Son Lest He Be Angry

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines the Psalmist’s teaching on God’s holy derision of the futile rebellion of the world against Yahweh and His Messiah, who is God’s Son. The Psalmist teaches that all must give fealty and joyful worship to the Son in holy fear, since the Son will reign victoriously on the earth.…

Get Serious About Sexual Sin (Part 2): Rejoice in Your Spouse

In this sermon, David Capoccia completes his examination of Solomon’s wise teaching regarding sex and sexual sin in Proverbs 5. David Capoccia reviews the main points from the first message and then explains the second and third reasons God gives so that a person might keep his way far from sexual temptation: God’s pleasurable provision and…