Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools by David Capoccia: (Page 30)

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The Messiah Has Come

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 1 Lesson 1 This week in Sunday school, we begin our chronological study of the New Testament. Our first lesson will focus on connecting the two testaments, recognizing Old Testament quotations in the New Testament, and appreciating what it means that Messiah finally had come.

A Message of Hope

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 12 In this lesson, we look at what Malachi foretold about the future. What did Malachi have to say about a coming messenger,  a day of judgment, and God’s righteous remnant? What were the people to do as they waited for God’s plans to come to pass?…

Worshipping God

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 11 This week in Sunday school, we turn to the book of Malachi. What did the last Old Testament prophet have to say to Israel regarding the worship of Yahweh? How were the Jews of Malachi’s day demonstrating hypocrisy and apathy in their worship? What truths were…

God’s Word Proclaimed

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 10 This week in Sunday school, we look at the second half of Nehemiah and the spiritual revival that took place under Nehemiah’s governorship. What sparked revival and reform? What changes did the returned Jews make in their lives and society? Why did Nehemiah have to rebuke…

Rebuilding the Walls

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 9 This week in Sunday school, we look at the final part of Israel’s restoration from exile under Nehemiah. Why did Nehemiah want to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls? How was this work both supported and opposed? What are we to learn from Nehemiah’s experience? We’ll consider these questions…

Restoring God’s Law

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 8 This week in Sunday school, we return to Ezra to examine what happened during the second step of Israel’s restoration from Exile. What alarming development did Ezra discover when he reached Jerusalem? How did Ezra respond? And what did these events mean for God’s promise to…

Visions from God

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 7 For this week of Sunday school, we are doing a special lesson back in the book of Daniel as we consider the visions given to Daniel by God regarding the future. What did God reveal to Daniel? Why did God reveal it? Have Daniel’s prophetic visions…

God Uses Esther

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 6 This week in Sunday school, we consider the remarkable account of Queen Esther. What did God accomplish for Israel through Esther and Mordecai? Why is God Himself mentioned nowhere in the book? What is the main message of Esther? We’ll consider these questions and more. We…

Restoring Worship

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 5 Restoring Worship This week in Sunday school, we look at the book of Ezra and the beginning of the return of Israel from exile. What were the steps of Israel’s return from exile? Were God’s prophecies regarding Israel’s future fulfilled in step 1? What did Ezra…

God Protects

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 4 This week in Sunday school, we’re back in the book of Daniel and examining the accounts of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace and Daniel and the lion’s den. Why did Daniel record these happenings? Why did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego admit that God…