Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to God's Sovereignty & Power: (Page 5)

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The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 5

In this sermon, Pastor Babij, preaches from 2 Peter 1:6 regarding perseverance and how the practice of perseverance leads to godliness. Pastor Babij reminds Christians that life is full of trial and trouble; Christians must always be willing to persevere and even be thought of as fools for Christ.

Israel Crosses the Jordan

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 65 This week in Sunday school, we take a look at another momentous event at the beginning of Israel’s conquest of Canaan: the crossing of the Jordan River. Why would the Jordan River have been such a dangerous obstacle for the people of Israel? How did God…

The Believer’s Responsibility for Godly Living, Part 4

In this sermon, Pastor Babij preaches from 2 Peter 1:6 regarding the Christian’s responsibility to practice self-control, to master one’s passions and emotions and not be ruled by them. Pastor Babij teaches that, when Christians run from temptation, God will rescue them. Full Transcript We are continuing to look at the believer’s responsibility for Godly…

Rahab Helps the Spies

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 64 This week in Sunday school, we look at how Joshua sends spies into Jericho and how God helps Israel via a very surprising person: a Canaanite prostitute. Why did Rahab welcome the spies? Was it right for her to lie to protect them? And what was…

God Prepares the Way

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 63 This week in Sunday school, we start to see circumstances turn around for Israel as God prepares the way for the second generation to inherit the promised land. God causes Israel to vanquish two entire kingdoms on the eastern side of the Jordan River and then…

God Judges Rebellion

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 62 This week in Sunday school, we join Israel in their wilderness wandering to see what they’ve learned after missing out on entering the promised land. Surely this people, chastened for their unbelief, will have finally humbled themselves before God…right? Shockingly, we’re going to see through Korah’s…

God Gives the Ten Commandments

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 57 As Sunday school resumes for this first Sunday of 2020, we’re continuing on in the book of Exodus by looking at Israel’s arrival at Sinai and their reception of the Ten Commandments. Under what circumstances did Israel receive these commands? Why did God give the Ten…

God Provides in the Wilderness

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 56 This week in Sunday school, we look at how Israel was tested by God as the people journeyed from the Reed Sea to Mt. Sinai. God tested the people with lack of food and water in the wilderness. How did the people respond? How did their…

God Parts the Red Sea

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 55 This week in Sunday school, we look at God’s great deliverance and judgment accomplished at the Red Sea. Many have heard about or seen depictions of this great biblical event, but what actually happened historically? Where did this crossing take place? Could the parting of the…