Sermons & Sunday Schools

The Road to Reformation

This week in Sunday school we launch our summer Sunday school mini-series: Reformation Survey: The Road, the Reformers, and the Results. I trust that as we dig into this time period, you will gain a better understanding of the spiritual landscape we encounter today, be encouraged by the examples of faithful men and women in the past, and become more sober as you see how even our beloved spiritual forefathers erred at times.

We will take six lessons to survey the Reformation period. Here is our lesson breakdown:

1. The Road to Reformation
2. Martin Luther
3. Ulrich Zwingli
4. John Calvin
5. English and Scottish Reformation
6. Reformation Aftermath

Our first lesson, The Road to Reformation, will seek to answer questions like: How did we get to the situation in Europe that made reformation so necessary? What happened in Christianity before the 1500s? And who plowed the ground that made the later Reformation crop so bountiful? We’re going to find out.