Sermons & Sunday Schools

Four Distinct Marks of a Baked Dirt Ambassador for Christ, Part 1

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Paul’s teaching regarding what it means to be an ambassador for Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. In part 1, Pastor Babij gives the first two of four distinguishing marks of baked dirt ambassadors for Christ. Believers, in order to carry out their ambassadorship from God with confidence and zeal, need not only to understand these marks but also to examine themselves and make necessary adjustments.

Mark 1: Their Disposition (vv. 11-15)
1a. Godly Fear and Integrity (v. 11)
1b. Genuine Humility (vv. 12-13)
1c. Deep Thankfulness for Christ’s love (vv. 14-16)

Mark 2: Their Work (vv. 17-18)