Evangelism Boot Camp Feedback Feedback/Survey for Evangelism Bootcamp Name (Optional) Whether you attended this time or not, would you be interested in participating if the class were offered again? Yes No How many of the 6 sessions of Evangelism Bootcamp did you attend? None 1-3 4-6 Which of the following reasons best describe why you didn't attend more? (Check all that apply) Was not interested in the material Did not have time to do the homework Interactive practice was too uncomfortable Childcare was not available I don't go to Sunday school in general Please answer if you attended at least 1 session. How helpful did you find the material covered in the bootcamp? Very unhelpful Unhelpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Helpful Very Helpful Did you make an attempt to do the verse memorization homework? No Tried, but it was too hard Yes, I memorized some verses How helpful did you find the interactive sessions where we practiced sharing the gospel? Very unhelpful Unhelpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Helpful Very Helpful What did you find most helpful in the bootcamp?What did you find least helpful in the bootcamp?Was there anything you would have hoped to see covered but we didn't get to?Please feel free to share any suggestions you may have for how we can improve the course in the future. Δ