Reflections and Blog

Now Available: Sermon Transcripts!

We’re happy to announce that we’ve launched a new resource for you: starting last week, we’re now providing full transcripts of sermons, available a few days after they are preached! We hope this resource will make it easier for you to meditate on truths throughout the week, refresh your memory of an important point, or catch…

The Calvary App!

Some exciting news … we’re finally ready to announce something that we’ve been working on in the background for a few months now… a new Church mobile app! The app is accessible for both iOS and Android: iOS: Android: Right now, the app is a place where you can get: The weekly bulletins…

2017 Recap: Counting Blessings!

Looking back at 2017 a few hours before the we usher in 2018, we want to pause to consider all that God has done in our church this year. 2017 has been an exciting year for us in many ways! Multiple groups of volunteers from the congregation really came together to serve, improving things at…

2017 CCC Christmas Party

Thanks to all who worked hard to make the 2017 Calvary Christmas Party a success last week. We even had some special guests from old times dropped by, and we all had a great time of food, fellowship and worship! Here are some pictures from the party!

Last Day to Order T-Shirts!

To celebrate our name change, we’ve created Calvary Community Church T-Shirts! Tomorrow (Monday, December 4th, 2017) is the last day to order them for the special price of just $10. Reserve yours at!

A Video Message from the Shortemeiers

Hi! Here’s the video message from the Shortmeiers that we showed last week in church. The Shortmeiers are kingdom workers that we gladly support financially. Their ministry for decades has been to bring the Gospel to the unreached tribes and people groups of the world. Enjoy!


Operation Christmas Child is here!

As a church, we will be participating in Operation Christmas Child (OCC) again this year. We will be collecting boxes on Sundays at the OCC table next to the Book Nook in the sanctuary. There are free OCC shoe boxes there for you to pick up as well. We will be having a Packing Party…

ways to give

Giving Options at Calvary

Recently, we added the option of giving online through our website! It can be accessed through the main page of our website (on the top bar). In our electronic age, fewer and fewer people are actually using paper checks, and so we thought it was time to provide this service. Many of our congregants also…

New Church Signs

As Yiyin shared in a previous post about the new bulletin, there are quite a few changes that need to happen with our recent name change, one of those is the external church signs. The sign directly in front of the church was designed and crafted by a gifted church member. The sign on the…

Foundry 2017

The Foundry Conference 2017

The  Young Adult ministry (YAM) went to Immanuel Baptist Church in Springfield, VA for the annual Foundry Conference. From June 9-11, they were able to experience sermons centered on the truths which sparked the Reformation (Additionally, in observance of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, our Sunday School and sermons are currently covering topics regarding…