Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools in the series Special Sermon: (Page 3)

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Why Does God Allow Our Suffering?

In this sermon, Greg Ho examines 1 Peter 1:3-9 and the word Peter gives there to Christians wondering, “Why does God allow our suffering?” Peter gives a three part answer to help Christians endure joyfully for the sake of Christ. 1. The Promise to the Suffering Christian (vv. 3-5) 2. The Purpose of the Suffering…

Resurrection Is Victory

In this Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij explains how Jesus’ bodily resurrection represents complete victory for those who believe in Jesus over mankind’s five great enemies. Pastor Babij concludes with a crucial question: are you by faith and repentance on the side of Jesus the conqueror, or are you still defeated and dead in…

Resolve to Risk Well

In this special New Year’s Day sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines and explains Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. In this passage, King Solomon exhorts you to three resolutions in order to risk well for Christ while you can. Resolution 1: I Will Not Hoard My Treasures But Invest Them Boldly and Generously (vv. 1-2) Resolution 2: I Will…

The Unique Identity of Christ

In this special Christmas Day sermon, Pastor Joe Babij presents the true meaning of Christmas by way of the person of Jesus Christ. More specifically, from Luke 1:31-35, Pastor Babij explains three foundational truths that inform you about the uniqueness of the identity of Jesus. 1. Jesus Is God (v. 35) 2. Jesus Is Man…

Elder and Deacon Commissioning

In this special message on a day of elder and deacon commissioning, Pastor Joe Babij explains the biblical basis, qualifications, and function of the two offices of the church: elder and deacon. Full Transcript: This morning, we’re going to do something a little bit different in our service. It comes time in a church where…

The Secret of Contentment

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia looks at Paul’s teaching about contentment in Philippians 4:10-13. Paul clarifies three parts to the secret of contentment so that you also will find true contentment in Christ. Introduction: Renewed Partnership Brings Joy in the Lord (v. 10) 1. True Contentment Is Learned through Practice (v. 11) 2. True…

Declining Love: Executed and Eliminated

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij completes his look at the topic of declining love for Jesus by examining Revelation 2:1-7 and Jesus’ words to the Ephesians church. Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ commendation, condemnation, counsel, and challenge, first to the ancient church and then to us today. We must remember and return to our first…

Declining Love: Examined

In this sermon, Pastor Babij looks at Jude 21 and then the rest of the Bible as he considers the topic of declining love for Jesus. Pastor Babij especially looks at the life of Peter as someone who drifted from Jesus into backslidden living but then was later brought back into loving his lord. Full…