Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Apologetics:

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Lesson 8: The Worldwide Flood

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers whether the account of Genesis 6-9 can be fairly interpreted as describing a local flood. Why do many Christians accept or are open to accepting a local flood explanation? What details of the biblical text, beyond the descriptors of total destruction, preclude a local flood interpretation? And how…

Lesson 7: God Saves Noah

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the entire Genesis flood account for details about the timing of the flood events themselves and about the specific people and creatures which perished in the flood. Did the flood finish in forty days and forty nights? Is the Bible ambiguous about which people and animals survived on…

gospel of John

The Life-Giving Light

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 8:12-20 and Jesus’ proclamation of himself as the light of the world at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ third round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths so that you might by faith gain Jesus as the light of life and not…

Lesson 1: The Seven Cs of History

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces the new series studying Genesis 3-11 and then discusses the Seven Cs of History, a biblical outline of history from Answers in Genesis useful for understanding ourselves as humans in light of history’s most key moments.

Biblical Arguments for Cessationism

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins presenting the case for cessationism, the belief that, while God can and still does do miracles today, God no longer empowers individual Christians with miraculous sign-gifts (i.e. prophecy, tongues, healings, exorcisms, works of power). In part 1, Pastor Babij presents ten biblical arguments on behalf of cessationism: 1.…