True Blindness and True Sight
- Speaker: David Capoccia
- Series: Gospel of John
- Text: John 9:1-41
- Topics: Holiness/Christian Living, Jesus Christ, Salvation & The Gospel
- Downloads: mp3
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes examining John 8:31-59, Jesus’ final public discussion with the Jews at the Feast of the Booths. John reports this discussion in his Gospel so that you will recognize your true spiritual state and turn to Jesus with perseverant faith. In the third part of Jesus’ discussion, John 8:48-59,…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues examining John 8:31-59, Jesus’ final public discussion with the Jews at the Feast of the Booths. John reports this discussion in his Gospel so that you will recognize your true spiritual state and turn to Jesus with perseverant faith. In the second part of Jesus’ discussion, John 8:37-47,…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins examining John 8:31-59, Jesus’ final public discussion with the Jews at the Feast of the Booths. John reports this discussion in his Gospel so that you will recognize your true spiritual state and turn to Jesus with perseverant faith. In the first part of Jesus’ discussion, John 8:31-36,…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 8:21-30 and Jesus’ profound warning to religious unbelievers at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ fourth round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths so that you will heed Jesus’ warning and not die in your sins.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 8:12-20 and Jesus’ proclamation of himself as the light of the world at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ third round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths so that you might by faith gain Jesus as the light of life and not…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the story of the woman caught in adultery, noting the difficult text-critical background of this unique New Testament passage. The passage’s original writer reports Jesus’ amazing handling of the adulteress’ conundrum so that you also might escape condemnation by believing in Jesus and then might walk in grateful…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 7:37-52 and the account of Jesus’ second round of discussion with the Jews at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ offer of living water at the Feast of Booths so that you will side with Jesus by faith no matter what others may do or say.
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines John 7:10-36 and the account of Jesus’ first round of discussion with his people at the Feast of Booths. John reports Jesus’ first public day at the Feast of Booths to confront your own hesitancy and objections about Jesus so that you might believe and find in Jesus…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ response to his brothers’ advice in John 7:1-9. John shows Jesus’ commitment to God’s agenda rather than man’s agenda so that you will believe in Jesus and follow Jesus’ example.