In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers the miraculous, spiritual gift of tongues and explains from the Bible why, despite many claims today to the contrary, this New Testament gift is no longer in operation.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij considers the miraculous, spiritual gift of tongues and explains from the Bible why, despite many claims today to the contrary, this New Testament gift is no longer in operation.
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij begins presenting the case for cessationism, the belief that, while God can and still does do miracles today, God no longer empowers individual Christians with miraculous sign-gifts (i.e. prophecy, tongues, healings, exorcisms, works of power). In part 1, Pastor Babij presents ten biblical arguments on behalf of cessationism: 1.…
In this Fundamentals of the Faith lesson, Mark Twombly finishes discussing the topic of spiritual gifts, distinguishing between the temporary miraculous gifts of Bible times and the other supernatural gifts true Christians are to use in ministering to one another today.
In this sermon, Pastor Babij lists and refutes several of the false teachings of today’s health and wealth (prosperity) preachers: · Christians are prohibited from judging them · People must not disagree with them as they are God’s anointed · Jesus personally speaks to them · New Testament prophets are fallible · Christians are little…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij discusses the signs of a true prophet and warns against those claiming to be prophets today. False prophets’ teachings have no divine authority and distort God’s Word to fit those prophets’ own beliefs and desires. Pastor Babij reminds his listeners that prophets no longer exist today as Christians have God’s…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 53 We’re continuing in Sunday School this week by examining how God displayed his power in the plagues of Egypt. What happened in the plagues? Who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and why? How did the Egyptian magicians copy some of God’s miracles? And how should this account affect…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 5 Lesson 49 This week in Sunday school, we’re looking at the prophetic blessings Jacob announces over his twelve sons and over Joseph’s sons. What special blessings did Jacob announce over Ephraim and Judah? How are these blessings fulfilled in later biblical history, especially in the Messiah? And how…
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 1 Lesson 8 This week in Sunday school, we’re talking about how the Bible calls us to assess those claiming new revelation from God. What is God’s standard for His prophets? Is there such a thing as fallible or imperfect prophecy today? How have various self-proclaimed prophets and apostles…
Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition, Unit 1 Lesson 7 This week in Sunday school, we’re investigating several questions related to the authenticity of the New Testament as Scripture. How do we know that the New Testament is really God’s Word? How do we know that the New Testament canon contains the correct books? And how…
Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 3 Lesson 8 This week in Sunday school, we look at the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. What did Jesus promise about the Spirit’s coming? What did the Spirit actually do when he came? And how does the Spirit work in believers today? Our…