Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools from Matthew:

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A Name Like No Other

In this special Christmas sermon, Pastor Joe Babij examines Matthew 1:21-25 so that you might see and respond appropriately to Jesus’ name, which is like no other. From the passage, Pastor Babij explains five truths in connection with Jesus’ name. 1. The name of Jesus is divinely ordered (v. 21a) 2. The name of Jesus…

The Triumphal Entry

In this special Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Matthew’s account of Jesus’ triumphal entry in Matthew 21:1-11. The apostle Matthew shows how Jesus’ gentle entry into Jerusalem proves Jesus to be the true, sovereign, and glorious Messiah King. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ entry proceeds in two main parts: 1. The King Prepares (vv.…

Forgive As You Are Forgiven

In this special New Year’s sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus shows you three reasons why God’s children, the forgiven, always forgive others: 1. God Has Forgiven Your Great Debt (vv. 21-27) 2. God Demands You Forgive Lesser Debts (vv. 28-30) 3. God Will Not Forgive the Unforgiving…

Don’t Worry, Be Holy

In this sermon, Pastor David Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on worry in Matthew 6:25-34. In this passage, Jesus commands his disciples not to worry but instead to seek God. Pastor Dave identifies three main reasons from the text as to why Jesus’ followers can obey Jesus’ command: 1. Worry Is Idolatrous (vv. 25-30) 2. Worry…

Will You Be Indicted for Murder?

In this sermon, Pastor David Capoccia investigates Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:21-26 regarding God’s command, “You shall not commit murder.” How does the truly righteous person act in regard to murder? David Capoccia explains Jesus’ answer: 1. The truly righteous person refrains even from damning anger (vv. 21-22) 2. The truly righteous person hurries to…

Don’t Be Late, Be Ready

In this sermon, David Capoccia examines Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Virgins. The main message of this parable is that all people must get ready to meet Christ and enter into his kingdom. David Capoccia explains how this message is developed through the different parts of the parable and then explains how one should get…

The Lord’s Prayer: A Model for Approaching God

In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley teaches on the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospel of Matthew. Comparing Matthew’s version of the Lord’s Prayer to the same prayer in Luke, Khaleef Crumbley explains how Jesus warned against hypocrisy in prayer, why prayer is meant to be worshipful communion with God, and how God should be approached…

Parable of the Talents

In this sermon, Greg Ho, preaches on the Parable of the Talents from Matthew 25. From the passage, Greg Ho explains what the talent represents and how God is more concerned with what a person does with what he receives than how much a person accomplishes. Greg Ho further clarifies that Christians should think and…

Six Super-Natural Observations

In this Palm Sunday sermon, Pastor Babij details how Jesus died a supernaturally empowered death. Pastor Babij shows, through several Bible passages, how Jesus demonstrated He is the God-man with complete control in all matters concerning his crucifixion and death. Pastor Babij specifically discusses six observations: 1. Christ’s authority over death 2. Christ’s command over…