Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Homosexuality:

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Lesson 13: Biblical Counseling Q & A

In this special question and answer lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia first discusses the issue of identity in relation to LGBTQ assertions and then answers four submitted questions related to biblical counseling for marriage and parenthood: 1. What does the Bible say about dating? 2. What role should Christian parents play in their children’s dating? 3.…

Lesson 12: Dealing with Homosexuality

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses how to deal with homosexuality in biblical counseling. Pastor Dave explains the need to take down false justifications for homosexuality, to minister the gospel to those struggling with homosexuality, and to exercise compassion and wisdom with unsaved homosexual family members. Note: You may see an automatically generated notice…

A Biblical View of God’s Design for Marriage and Sexuality

In this special sermon, Pastor Joe Babij preaches from several passages on God’s design for marriage and sexuality. As misunderstandings and distortions of these topics are being asserted with new fervor today, Christians must seize the opportunity to clarify again God’s authoritative standard. Pastor Babij gives two major points for what believers must do to…

Book of Jude

Contending for the Faith: Remember Past Judgements

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij looks at Jude 5-7 where Jude reminds believers of three groups that suffered God’s judgement so that we hold fast to God and his truth and do not become led away by false teaching. 1. Remember the condemnation of the unfaithful for their unbelief (v. 5) 2. Remember the…

Acknowledging the Judgment of God, Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij presents God’s judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah as a third example of God’s judgment in the past proving the surety of God’s judgment in the future. Pastor Babij also explains why homosexuality is a uniquely heinous sin and why Christians must guard against popular pressure from American culture on…

Sodom and Gomorrah

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 35 This week in Sunday school, we investigate what God did with Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Abraham. What does Abraham’s intercession on behalf of the city reveal about God’s justice? What are we to learn from the fiery judgment and angelic rescue accomplished afterward…