Thyatira: The Badly Infected Church
- Speaker: Pastor Joseph Babij
- Series: Revelation
- Text: Revelation 2:18-29
- Topics: Holiness/Christian Living, Idols & Idolatry
- Downloads: mp3
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes looking at the foundational teaching of Solomon in the beginning of Ecclesiastes. In Ecclesiastes 2:12-26, Solomon gives his final reflections on his personal experiments with wisdom and joy. More specifically, Solomon presents three truths about our coming deaths that should cause us to stop living for vapor and…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia continues looking at Solomon’s epic experiments with wisdom and joy in Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26. In Part 2, Pastor Dave looks specifically at Solomon’s experiment with joy in 2:1-11, explaining how Solomon shares his failure in his epic experiment with joy so that we will not vainly pursue the passing treasures…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Solomon’s first section of teaching in Ecclesiastes (1:3-11). Solomon provides four startling observations on the vapor-like nature of life so that you will not be deceived into living for this world. 1. The earth toils in an unsatisfying circle 2. Man toils in an unsatisfying circle 3. Man…
In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces the book of Ecclesiastes and explains its main message: life is a vapor, but embrace it is a gift and not as gain. Full Transcript: Something I’ve been wanting to do since graduating from seminary is to go through a book of the Bible with you verse by…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 69 This week in Sunday school, we begin the book of Judges and discover the unthinkable: after receiving the land and seeing the many mighty works of God, Israel turns from the living God to serve dead idols. Why did Israel so senselessly turn from God? What…
Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 58 For this week in Sunday school, we’re looking at how Israel turned to worship a golden calf right after receiving God’s covenant at Sinai. How did Israel so easily commit this heinous breach of covenant? Why didn’t God destroy Israel as God desired to do? And…
In this sermon, Greg Ho asks you to consider whether God accepts your individual and corporate worship, reminding that there are many times in Scripture when God rejected the worship of those who claimed to follow Him. Greg Ho explains that one worships whatever a person honors and respects and that such honor and respect…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the last of the Ten Commandments: “You shall not covet.” Using Scripture, Pastor Babij shows that the purpose of this commandment is to promote contentment with one’s station in life rather than covetousness. Pastor Babij further explains that it is not wrong to want to better one’s station…