Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools using Numbers 21:1-9:

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God’s Way of Salvation

In this sermon, Pastor Joseph Babij looks at Israel’s experience with the bronze serpent in the wilderness and the analogy of that experience to Jesus Christ and salvation. Specifically, Pastor Babij considers four things sinners must see in order to look, be saved, and live: 1. Your Condition (vv. 4-5) 2. The Judgement Your Sin…

The Way of Salvation: Look and Live!

In today’s Resurrection Day sermon, Pastor Babij compares the bronze serpent of Numbers 21 to Jesus Christ, explaining that, just as the Israelites had to look to the serpent to be saved, so now all men must look to Jesus. Sinners have no power to save themselves; salvation simply comes from personal belief in the…