Ephesus: The Church of Declining Love
- Speaker: Pastor Joseph Babij
- Series: Revelation
- Text: Revelation 2:1-7
- Topics: Endurance/Perseverance, Holiness/Christian Living, Jesus Christ, Loving Others
- Downloads: mp3
In this sermon, Pastor Joe Babij completes his look at the topic of declining love for Jesus by examining Revelation 2:1-7 and Jesus’ words to the Ephesians church. Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ commendation, condemnation, counsel, and challenge, first to the ancient church and then to us today. We must remember and return to our first…
In this sermon, Pastor Babij begins preaching on Jesus’ messages to the seven churches of Revelation, starting with the Ephesian church. Pastor Babij first explains, using several Scripture verses, how Jesus’ sovereignty is displayed over all the churches. Second, Pastor Babij details Jesus’ pattern of review for each church. Third, Pastor Babij discusses how the…