Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools using Selected Scriptures:

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Lesson 5: The Heart of Man

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia steps out of Genesis to consider the issue of man’s heart on a broader biblical basis. Is man’s heart basically good, evil, or neutral? Does the doctrine of original sin absolve man of responsibility or compromise the justice of God? And if man can only be saved by the…

Lesson 1: The Seven Cs of History

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia introduces the new series studying Genesis 3-11 and then discusses the Seven Cs of History, a biblical outline of history from Answers in Genesis useful for understanding ourselves as humans in light of history’s most key moments.

Lesson 13: Biblical Counseling Q & A

In this special question and answer lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia first discusses the issue of identity in relation to LGBTQ assertions and then answers four submitted questions related to biblical counseling for marriage and parenthood: 1. What does the Bible say about dating? 2. What role should Christian parents play in their children’s dating? 3.…

Lesson 12: Dealing with Homosexuality

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia discusses how to deal with homosexuality in biblical counseling. Pastor Dave explains the need to take down false justifications for homosexuality, to minister the gospel to those struggling with homosexuality, and to exercise compassion and wisdom with unsaved homosexual family members. Note: You may see an automatically generated notice…

Lesson 11: Dealing with Abuse

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia gives basic instruction for counseling abuse situations. Pastor Dave does so by defining “abuse,” overviewing expectations for different types of abuse situations, comparing a worldly and a biblical approach to dealing with abuse, and providing special counsel for the abused.

Lesson 10: God’s Design for Parenting, Part 2

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews seven biblical emphases for parental instruction and four critical considerations for blended/step-families. Pastor Dave then opens up a time a testimony for Christian parents in the class.