Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Hell & God's Judgment: (Page 3)

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God Judges Rebellion

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 7 Lesson 62 This week in Sunday school, we join Israel in their wilderness wandering to see what they’ve learned after missing out on entering the promised land. Surely this people, chastened for their unbelief, will have finally humbled themselves before God…right? Shockingly, we’re going to see through Korah’s…

God Punishes Idolatry

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 58 For this week in Sunday school, we’re looking at how Israel turned to worship a golden calf right after receiving God’s covenant at Sinai. How did Israel so easily commit this heinous breach of covenant? Why didn’t God destroy Israel as God desired to do? And…

God Parts the Red Sea

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 55 This week in Sunday school, we look at God’s great deliverance and judgment accomplished at the Red Sea. Many have heard about or seen depictions of this great biblical event, but what actually happened historically? Where did this crossing take place? Could the parting of the…

God Sends the Final Plague

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 54 This week in Sunday school, we focus on the final plague God sent against Egypt and the special means of protection God provided for Israel. Why did God bother to warn Pharaoh of what was about to happen to the firstborn? Why did God command the…

God Displays His Power

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 6 Lesson 53 We’re continuing in Sunday School this week by examining how God displayed his power in the plagues of Egypt. What happened in the plagues? Who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and why? How did the Egyptian magicians copy some of God’s miracles? And how should this account affect…

The Primary Focus of Gospel-Oriented Evangelism

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the differences between the true gospel and the inadequate message often proclaimed in evangelism today. Pastor Babij demonstrates how God’s holiness and the call to suffering as a Christian, as shown in Scripture, are totally missing from today’s popular preaching — preaching that instead lowers God’s holiness, elevates…

Sodom and Gomorrah

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 4 Lesson 35 This week in Sunday school, we investigate what God did with Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of Abraham. What does Abraham’s intercession on behalf of the city reveal about God’s justice? What are we to learn from the fiery judgment and angelic rescue accomplished afterward…

God Saves Noah

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 25 In this lesson, we examine the entire Genesis flood account for details about the timing of the flood events themselves and about the specific people and creatures which perished in the flood. Did the flood finish in forty days and forty nights? Is the Bible ambiguous…

Catastrophe: The Flood

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 3 Lesson 24 This week in Sunday school, we begin talking about the next of our Seven Cs of History: the flood Catastrophe. Why did God send the flood? What does it mean that God regretted making man? Why did God spare Noah? And how does Noah’s situation parallel…

The Ten Commandments Past and Present — The Sixth Commandment

In this sermon, Pastor Babij teaches on the deeper meaning behind the Sixth Commandment: “Thou shall not murder.” Pastor Babij explains how the Scriptures teach that people are to fundamentally care for and protect human life. Making note that the correct interpretation is “murder” not “kill,” Pastor Babij delineates the different kinds of killing that…