Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Hell & God's Judgment: (Page 7)

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Three Groups of Events to Be Aware (Part 3)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the Apostle Paul’s teaching to the Thessalonians regarding the timing of the Day of the Lord. In part three, the final part of this investigation, Pastor Babij explains the deluding influence sent by God on those who follow Antichrist and the political and religious systems that Antichrist will make use of…

Three Groups of Events to Be Aware (Part 1)

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the Apostle Paul’s teaching to the Thessalonians regarding the timing of the Day of the Lord. In part one of this investigation, Pastor Babij explains how to understand present events in light of God’s judgment program. Pastor Babij then explains which future events must occur before the Day of the Lord.

Three “R’s” Worth Remembering: Ruin – Redemption – Regeneration

In this special Thanksgiving sermon, Pastor Babij explains how, despite man’s apparent progress, man is actually in a state of continual spiritual ruin. Pastor Babij explains the reality of God’s judgment as well as God’s merciful provision of redemption and regeneration for all of those who repent and believe in Jesus Christ.

Four Matters You Should Seriously Consider if You’re Serious about Becoming a Biblical Christian

In this sermon, Pastor Babij identifies the fundamental problem with most people’s understanding of salvation: they start with what Jesus accomplished on the cross instead of the glorious character of God. As a result, most people create a false version of God in their minds and do not take their spiritual condition very seriously. To correct this…