Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Persecution: (Page 3)

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The Suffering, Mockery, and Torment of the Servant King (Part 1)

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij teaches several points concerning Jesus’ crucifixion: Three characteristics now associated with Jesus Three highlighted groups of sinners Several thoughts to ponder regarding Jesus’ death Pastor Babij encourages believers to remember that Jesus’ death and resurrection provide Christians with hope for today; such thoughts are precious treasures that will transform a…

The Crumbling Stone

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij examines Peter’s denial of Jesus and teaches three main lessons: Even the faith of a strong disciple, such as Peter, can fail in dire circumstances when that person depends upon his own strength and not on the Lord’s power. Jesus will compassionately and lovingly restore the truly repentant, as He…

God Uses Esther

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 6 This week in Sunday school, we consider the remarkable account of Queen Esther. What did God accomplish for Israel through Esther and Mordecai? Why is God Himself mentioned nowhere in the book? What is the main message of Esther? We’ll consider these questions and more. We…

God Protects

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 2 Quarter 4 Lesson 4 This week in Sunday school, we’re back in the book of Daniel and examining the accounts of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the fiery furnace and Daniel and the lion’s den. Why did Daniel record these happenings? Why did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego admit that God…

The Olivet Discourse: Preparing for the End Times (Part 1)

Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ end-time teaching to His disciples.  Jesus shows the Messianic kingdom would not immediately follow the destruction of the temple and gives His disciples two admonitions: Be on guard so that you are not deceived Be on guard against fear and anxiety

The Controversy over Paying Taxes (Part 2)

Pastor Babij examines the role of human government and the Christian’s responsibilities to that government. Pastor Babij explains that Christians are to obey the lawful orders even of tyrants if they do not conflict with God’s law and to pray for those rulers. Pastor Babij also gives some counsel regarding voting in the upcoming election.

The Controversy over Paying Taxes

Pastor Babij examines Mark’s account of the Pharisees and Herodians attempting to trap Jesus with a question: should the Jews pay the Roman tax or not? Pastor Babij explains how Jesus showed His divine wisdom in response, avoiding the trap while clarifying the Christian’s relationship to government. From Jesus’ example, Pastor Babij points out five…

Arm Yourself to Suffer Righteously

In this sermon, David Capoccia explores Peter’s exhortation regarding suffering in 1 Peter 4. After some important introductory information, David Capoccia explains that, to suffer righteously and joyfully, believers must: 1.) arm themselves for suffering with Christ’s mindset, 2.) not seek to escape suffering by adopting worldly behavior, and 3.) remember that judgment is coming.

Verdicts, Conscience, Revenge and Death

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the account of John the Baptist’s death from the Gospel of Mark. Pastor Babij explains the effect of God’s truth on Herod’s and Herodias’ consciences and how they chose to ignore the message and even attack the messenger to protect their sin. In light of this principle, Pastor Babij discusses what…

Hometown Rejection

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines Jesus’ return to Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown. Pastor Babij explains how the town’s inhabitants, as they continually question and take offense at Jesus, actually display the most heinous sin of all before God. Pastor Babij also points out how many today are just like the people of Nazareth and explains how Christians ought…