Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Biblical Counseling: (Page 2)

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Lesson 3: Practical Guidance for Marriage and Family Counseling

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia provides practical guidance for going about marriage and family counseling. More specifically, Pastor Dave explains what church ministry to families ought to look like generally, what common problems and challenges exist in the lifecycle of a family, and then what specific practical considerations Christians should keep in mind when…

Lesson 2: The Importance of the Family

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia explains the importance of the family as an institution established by God. Pastor Dave specifically looks to investigate and answer two main questions: 1. Why is marriage and family counseling important? 2. What is the family?

Lesson 1: Biblical Counseling Foundations

In this lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a new, twelve-week series on biblical counseling for marriage and parenthood by reviewing the most fundamental concepts of the Biblical Counseling 101 course ( Pastor Dave will be applying these foundational concepts specifically to marriage and parenting in the coming weeks. More specifically, Pastor Dave answers three key…

Lesson 10: How to Counsel, Part 2

In this tenth and final lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the last four steps of this method in part 2: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data 5. Provide Instruction 6.…

Lesson 9: How to Counsel, Part 1

In this ninth lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the first four steps of this method in part 1: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data

Lesson 6: The Biblical Process of Change

In this sixth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia overviews what the biblical process of change toward greater Christ-likeness looks like. First, Pastor Dave takes a macro view of what should be the biblical expectation regarding change over one’s lifetime. Second, Pastor Dave takes a micro, more moment-by-moment view of how what one loves and worships in…

Lesson 5: Biblical Counseling and Psychology

In this fifth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines psychology and its theories of the person from a biblical perspective. Pastor Dave first gives some introductory information regarding psychology and then compares the theories of six influential psychologists with the teaching of God in the Bible.

Lesson 4: Biblical Counseling and Psychotropic Drugs

In this fourth lesson, Pastor Dave Capoccia considers what the truths from the previous lessons about the Bible’s sufficiency and the mind-body connection mean for the issue of psychotropic drugs. Pastor Dave overviews the topic of psychotropic drugs from a biblical perspective and then considers a few frequently asked questions.