Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Spiritual Warfare: (Page 2)

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Why You Must Be Strong in the Lord

In this sermon, David Capoccia looks at Ephesians 6:10-13 and why believers must become strong in the Lord Jesus Christ by faith. David traces and explains the three reasons given by Paul in the text for why such strength is necessary. 1. To Overcome Satan’s Many Schemes 2. To Prevail in Our Supernatural Struggle 3.…

Becoming Like Jesus

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 4 Lesson 10 This week in Sunday school, we’re taking a closer look at what the New Testament epistles have to say about the Christian’s growth in holiness. What is the difference between positional and progressive sanctification? How is your own effort key in the process of becoming holy?…

The Duty of the Christian: Subjection — The Basis of Subjection

In this sermon, Pastor Babij begins preaching from 1 Peter on how Christians are to demonstrate their alien status as Christ’s people while on the earth: by living righteously and submitting to God’s ordained authorities. In part 1, Pastor Babij explains the Christian’s basis for seeking righteousness in this way: 1) God’s accomplished salvation 2)…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation, Part 5

Pastor Babij preaches from 1 Peter 1:23-2:3 that Christians must live as new creations who crave the Word of God. Pastor details some of the marks of the Christian’s new nature and concludes by exhorting Christians to repent and return to the Word of God if such craving has been lost. Full Transcript: 1 Peter…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation – Part 3

In this sermon, Pastor Babij examines the apostle Peter’s teaching on how fearing God as Father and Judge should lead to holy living. Full Transcript: 1 Peter 1:17-21: If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth;…

The Destiny of the Christian: The Holiness of Salvation – Part 2

In this sermon, Pastor Babij continues teaching from 1 Peter how Christians are called to be holy since God Himself is holy. Pastor Babij explains how Christians are to bear fruit unto holiness and what such fruit looks like. Pastor concludes by exhorting Christians to fear God. Full Transcript: Lord, as we consider the topic…

Jesus’ Temptation

Answers Bible Curriculum Year 3 Quarter 1 Lesson 11 Part 2 This week in Sunday school, we look again at the final events of Jesus’ preparation for ministry, this time focusing on Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. What is so significant about Jesus being tempted there — enough that three Gospel writers mention it at…

Prediction of Spiritual Failure

In today’s sermon, Pastor Babij explains Jesus’ prediction of how the disciples would all fall away due to their arrogant belief in their own fleshly power. Pastor Babij admonishes believers today to watch over their own minds as the main front where Satan attacks. Believers are encouraged to acknowledge their fleshly weaknesses and instead rely…

Final Words on Finishing Well

In this guest sermon by our supported missionary, Ken Newton examines part of the charge given by the apostle Paul to Timothy as Paul was about to die. Specifically, Ken Newton examines 2 Timothy 4:7 and explains the three main responsibilities Christians must fulfill if Christians are to finish well and gain Christ’s reward: fighting…