Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Creation & The Flood: (Page 3)

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Unit 2 Review and Bible Q&A

Answers Bible Curriculum Unit 2 Lesson 20 This week in Sunday school is our Unit 2 review day. We first overview the main ideas of our last nine lessons (Creation to the Fall) and then go through some Bible Q & A. The questions include: “How do Jewish rabbis deal with Genesis 1:26-27?”, “Why did…

The Age of the Earth

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 17 This week in Sunday school, as part of our study on creation, we consider the issue of the age of the earth head on. Is denying evolution but asserting an old earth a viable option for Bible-believing Christians? Can the Genesis 5 and 11 genealogies be…

Dinosaurs and Dragons

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 16 In this lesson, we consider the issue of dinosaurs and dragons in creation. Does the Bible talk at all about dinosaurs? If so, what does the Bible tell us about them? And what of the universally accepted notion (among evolutionary scientists) that dinosaurs lived and died…

Creation: Adam and Eve

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 15 This week in Sunday school, we examine the more specific account of man’s and woman’s creation in Genesis 2. What genre is the Genesis 2 account? Does the account contradict Genesis 1? What are the implications from Adam and Eve’s creation for gender, marriage, and our…

Creation: Animals and Man

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 2 Lesson 14 This week in Sunday school, we turn our attention to days five and six of the creation week. What did God do on each day? What does it mean to be made in the image of God? And how should we understand animals being created “after…

Creation: Days and Kinds

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 2 Lesson 13 This week in Sunday school, we investigate the word “day” as used in Genesis 1 as well as the first four days of the creation sequence. Could the Genesis 1 “day” be legitimately understood as something other than a 24 hour period? What exactly happened on…

God Creates the Universe

Answers Bible Curriculum 2nd Edition Unit 2 Lesson 12 In this lesson, we begin our chronological study of the Bible starting in Genesis 1:1. Specifically, we overview the creation account and answer some fundamental questions: What genre of literature is the creation account? What is the relationship of Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:2? And can…

The Seven Cs of History

Answers Bible Curriculum Second Edition Unit 2 Lesson 11 In this lesson, we’re returning to Answers in Genesis’ Seven Cs of History but from a slightly different perspective from our last gospel-focused look. This time, we’re focusing on how the Seven Cs function as an essential outline of human history, how we can estimate the…

Creation and Flood Myths in the Ancient Near East

In this lesson, David Capoccia discusses some prominent creation and flood myths from ancient Egypt and Mespotamia. David Capoccia leads an investigation into the similarities and differences of these myths in relation to the Bible’s true account and he also answers the following question: could the Israelites have borrowed from the myths of the cultures around them…