Sermons & Sunday Schools

Sermons/Sunday Schools relating to Holiness/Christian Living: (Page 10)

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God, What Are You Doing? Part 1: Questioning

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins a mini-series on Habakkuk, the prophet who asked the same question that Christians often ask during ongoing trials: “God, What Are You Doing?” Part 1 sees Pastor Dave introduce the book of Habakkuk and examine the first step of rightly dealing with God’s difficult providence: Questioning. In Habakkuk…

A Biblical View of God’s Design for Marriage and Sexuality

In this special sermon, Pastor Joe Babij preaches from several passages on God’s design for marriage and sexuality. As misunderstandings and distortions of these topics are being asserted with new fervor today, Christians must seize the opportunity to clarify again God’s authoritative standard. Pastor Babij gives two major points for what believers must do to…

Forgive As You Are Forgiven

In this special New Year’s sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness in Matthew 18:21-35. Jesus shows you three reasons why God’s children, the forgiven, always forgive others: 1. God Has Forgiven Your Great Debt (vv. 21-27) 2. God Demands You Forgive Lesser Debts (vv. 28-30) 3. God Will Not Forgive the Unforgiving…

Catch the Little Foxes

In this sermon, Khaleef Crumbley looks at Song of Solomon 2:15 and the admonition to “catch the little foxes.” After giving some background information to the book and passage, Khaleef explains why and how we must catch the little foxes of sin in our lives. Khaleef also looks at other verses in Scripture for examples…

Ecclesiastes: A Retrospective

In this concluding sermon on the study of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Dave Capoccia briefly reviews the answers to the book’s fundamental questions before reading the entire book from start to finish. The three questions Pastor Dave considers are: 1. What is the main message of Ecclesiastes? 2. How is the message of Ecclesiastes developed? 3. How…

Lesson 10: How to Counsel, Part 2

In this tenth and final lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia finishes presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the last four steps of this method in part 2: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data 5. Provide Instruction 6.…

In Case You Missed It

In this sermon, Pastor Dave Capoccia examines the epilogue section of Ecclesiastes. Pastor Dave explains how, in these last verses, Solomon provides five final clarifications so that you will not miss the message of Ecclesiastes but instead put God’s wisdom into practice: 1. These Words Were Carefully Prepared by a Discerning Teacher (v. 9) 2.…

Lesson 9: How to Counsel, Part 1

In this ninth lesson of the Biblical Counseling 101 class, Pastor Dave Capoccia begins presenting a practical method for counseling based on biblical principles. Pastor Dave explains the first four steps of this method in part 1: 1. Begin Counseling 2. Gain Involvement 3. Gather Data 4. Interpret Data